Non-Conveyable Items
DPD's hub and sortation system is fully automated minimising parcel handling and improving routing. Any parcel that cannot be handled by the automated sortation system will incur a Non-Conveyable Surcharge as it has to be manually processed.
Non-conveyable Surcharge T&C
The non-conveyable surcharge applies to parcels that for any reason cannot travel on the conveyor system including, but not limited to the below reasons. This is not an exhaustive list.
Parcel is not well packaged; has foil wrapping, loose banding or strapping (Parcels shrink-wrapped, bubble wrapped or externally strapped can potentially snag on the automated system, causing serious delays and damage.)
Parcel is not stable and prone to rolling while in motion (Contents deemed unstable are a potential roll risk. The sortation system operates to a height of 30 feet above floor level, and while all reasonable measures are taken to protect our staff, on health and safety grounds these parcels are deemed unsafe to travel on a conveyor)
Please click here for further information on the Non-Conveyable Surcharge.